
Getting Back in Action

Embracing Our “New Normal”

Have you heard the news? It looks as if some of us are going to be able to start opening up this Friday! YAY! With that being said, it is bittersweet for me as much as I am excited to see everyone and for life to be “normal” again, I have enjoyed so much sending […]

Embracing Our “New Normal”

Embracing Our “New Normal”

And when I thought all we had to work through was COVID….oh how I was wrong! The year 2020 has had all kinds of challenges to overcome. I have to admit, there are some days I still wake up and wonder which direction to turn – but I know there are so many people who rely […]

Let’s Talk Money

Digital Marketing Ideas

When it comes to the times that we are seeing right now, so many things are out of our control. However, lucky for us, there are some things that are in our control. And so we are concentrating on that! Take this journey with us. With so many people emailing which topics they would like to get information on first, […]

Together We Can Only Get Stronger

Digital Marketing Ideas

Wow! I don’t know about you all, but I didn’t see this coming! I look back and I think about what my plans were for my company just 3 months ago and sending people to work from home, navigating the waters of what’s next, and watching the news headlines vigilantly was not in my 12-month […]