Embracing Our “New Normal”

Embracing Our “New Normal”

And when I thought all we had to work through was COVID….oh how I was wrong! The year 2020 has had all kinds of challenges to overcome. I have to admit, there are some days I still wake up and wonder which direction to turn – but I know there are so many people who rely on The It Crowd and there are even more people out there that are rooting for us. Keep going my friend….one foot in front of the other – we are on the frontier of what “they” call “the new normal”…..so, let’s get started:

OH – but before we jump in – if you are a business owner who received a PPP loan is a great updated resource on the possible new regulations for this.

And now to really start:

During the past few months, we have looked at an array of topics and “how-to’s” that hopefully you have been able to implement into your own lives and companies to become stronger through this time. If you missed any of these or would like to go back and refresh-

  • As weird as this sounds, COVID has been a blessing in disguise for The It Crowd. Here is what our “new normal” looks like:
  • We have had the time to really take a step back and ask ourselves, “Why are we doing things like this?”.
  • We have taken the time to assess who we are as a company by reworking our mission – vision – and values.
  • We took a long hard look at our expenses and nixed a LOT of them – and will not be bringing them back.
  • We have determined the types of people we would like to work with; both as teammates and clients, and fired a few clients for not being those types of people.
  • We have worked through our processes and hired assistants for our entire team to make them more efficient and to enjoy their work more by doing activities they are passionate about and proficient at for the majority of their day.
  • We have learned (and are still learning) how to communicate more effectively.


  • We have grown: as people, as teammates, as passionate human beings, and as servant leaders to our community.


What does your “new normal” look like? Are you back in the office? Never going back? Are you venturing outside? Have you gotten involved in peaceful protests? Have you started to really figure out what you believe? Is your business stronger? Are you just trying to hang in there? We are listening…..we want to know.

As we wrap up this series, it is bittersweet for me (Lindsey). I have enjoyed hearing from you all – I have enjoyed answering questions – and I have enjoyed being a resource for others. Please stay in touch and let us know if there is anything we can ever do for you. We are here to learn how to find our light so we can effectively show others how to find theirs.


This week, take some time to evaluate how you’ve been marketing your business during this time – what’s been working and what hasn’t? Have you even been marketing your business at all? How has marketing helped propel or the lack of marketing kept you from hitting your goals? These can be hard questions to ask yourself and your team, but they help you get to where you need to be and where you want to be! Once you have those answers, you have a better idea of where to start – we’ve talked about a lot of different marketing tips over the last few weeks and we know you may not have time for them all – so at least prioritize your one or two that have to happen and get those done!