
Starting Q3 Off on the Right Foot

Does your company have a quarterly retreat? The It Crowd does, and here’s why-

The It Crowd implemented EOS in 2018 after our founder, Lindsey, read the book Traction. This book and program completely changed the trajectory of The It Crowd. The EOS program has allowed our company to address and improve issues, set goals that are actionable, and proudly take ownership of our work. We spend the majority of our time focusing on our clients, but EOS allows us to look internally!

As a business owner, you know how difficult it is to take the time to focus on the “why” behind everything you do on a daily basis. We’ve learned that quarterly retreats are a perfect way to block time out for reflection and strategize growth, both internally and externally.

Every quarter we recap big wins and address opportunities to improve. We prioritize transparency with our team at these retreats by giving insight into the company’s growth or shortcomings. We believe that transparency enables our team to know that they are part of a larger mission and vision than their day-to-day tasks. It is easy to get caught in the monotony of checking boxes, but our quarterly retreats center us back on larger goals.

Additionally, each quarter team members present “rocks” or projects to build on our company. These rocks are an incredible way for our team to prioritize the company and take ownership of projects they are passionate about. When we reflect on all the growth that’s come from these projects, it’s really fun to see all that’s come from them–our podcast, our new project management software, our influencer strategy, TONS of digital organization, and more!

At the end of a retreat, we discuss issues that need to be addressed in the coming quarter, and allocate a new round of “rocks.” These projects ensure a consistent focus on The It Crowd throughout the year. After all, growth does happen when you’re standing still!

For example, one recent rock was focused on helping The It Crowd’s presence grow. From this project, we introduced an influencer program and a more systematic approach to press outreach. This quarter we also faced the issue of inconsistent employee training, so we developed a digital training platform packed full of training videos, assignments, and company policy that all align with our culture. Rather than shying away from growth opportunities, we now have a tested approach to embrace them!

We could go on and on about the growth that has come from rocks and retreats. At the end of the day, we have a team that cares deeply about the health and growth of The It Crowd, and we couldn’t be more thankful!

Does your company use retreats? What do you love about them? What would you change? Where do you think we should go on our next retreat?

If you want to learn more about EOS, our retreat schedule, or even fun activities and locations for your next retreat, we’d love to share more of our experience!