How To Make A Great Impression On The Web: Tips For Building A Better Website

How To Make A Great Impression On The Web: Tips For Building A Better Website

If you own a business, chances are you have put at least some effort into establishing and growing your online presence. Aside from social media, the website is the most important part of your online marketing campaign. Consider your website to be an online storefront. This is where you will attract the attention of potential customers, answer any questions they have about your product/service, book appointments and showcase your business in a cool and attractive way.

Here are our top tips on how to make a good website that will really impress potential customers and clients. 

  1. Make absolute sure your site runs smoothly on mobile devices
    This tip is one of the most important when considering how to make a good website. Just because you create a website on a website building platform like Wix or Squarespace doesn’t mean it will be mobile responsive. To give you an idea of how important this is, the average American adult spends 5 hours on their phone per day. Also,if you run an e-commerce site, you might be interested to know that over one third of online store purchases are made through a phone or tablet. The best way to make sure your website is functioning well on mobile devices is to be updating the graphics and layout of your site. Cross-app updates can cause certain graphic or text elements to no longer show on mobile devices. You also might consider working with a digital marketing agency that can build you a great website and make sure it’s running smoothly on both desktop and mobile. 
  2. Make your contact information easy to find
    One of the best ways to hook a client is to get them on the phone or in an online chat with you. This is why it’s super important to put your contact info in clear view on the homepage, as well as in other places like your contact page, at the end of blog posts and anywhere else that feels natural. Some people don’t want to read through all of your web copy but would rather speak to someone directly. So, make it easy for your visitors to contact you in seconds!
  3. Invest in an attractive layout
    The design of your site (and this includes the colors, shapes, movement, etc.) is hugely important when considering how to make a good website, especially if you tend to acquire the majority of your customers through the internet. If you aren’t happy with the layouts offered by subscription website builders (Wix, Squarespace, etc.), then hiring a website designer could be a great idea. A website designer will know how to weave elements of your brand seamlessly into the look and feel of the website, and you will stand out in your visitors’ mind as being professional and trustworthy.

If you have these three tips covered, you are well on your way to having the perfect website that will make a positive impression on potential customers.